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Tangier, Asilah & Tétouan Private Tours on 2 Days

(6 Reviews)
Per Person
Price changes with group size


2 Days Highlights

  • Parc Perdicaris
  • Cap Spartel
  • Camel Ride or just Photos
  • Hercules Caves
  • The Medina & the Kasbah of Tangier
  • Sultan’s Palace
  • Petit Socco
  • Grand Socco
  • The Great Mosque
  • The American Legation
  • Medina of Asilah
  • Krikia
  • Raissouli palace
  • Asilah’s street arts
  • Bab Homar
  • Plaza Primo
  • Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Victoria
  • Edifício Fénix
  • Feddan square
  • The Medina & the Kasbah of Tetouan
  • The Mellah (the Jewish quarter)
  • Tarrafin alley
  • Bab Okla

Tangier, Asilah, & Tétouan Tours In Brief

Start your trip with a tour of Tangier and its magical Medina. Be impressed by the mythic Hercules Caves, enjoy your time during a memorable Camel Ride, and take full advantage of the breathtaking views from Cap Spartel, the meeting point of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
Tangier, Asilah, Tétouan Private ToursOn the second day, take the Atlantic coastal route to Asilah and be inspired by its ever-changing street arts then be overwhelmed by the charming Medina of Tétouan before heading back to Tangier for the final drop-off.


Most of our guides are fluent in at least 2 of the languages listed below.

  • Arabic
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German


  • Pick-up & drop-off
  • Wi-Fi on-board
  • All entrance fees
  • Private professional guides
  • Local guide in each city
  • Private air-conditioned vehicle
  • Camel ride cost
  • Parking & Highway fees
  • Child seat(1)


  • Food & drinks(2)
  • Accommodations(3)

(1) Please advise at the time of booking.
(2) Our agents will suggest the most authentic Moroccan restaurants to you.
(3) 1 night in Tangier.


It depends on:

  • Group size
  • Trip customizations
  • Pick up and drop off location

Useful Info

In Details

Tour of Tangier

Tangier (ancient Tingis) was the capital of "Roman Morocco" or Mauritania Tingitana, and it’s at the same time the meeting point of a lot of different things: The Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, Africa and Europe, Orient and the Occident, and the three Abrahamic religions. It is this unique blend among other features that have made of Tangier the magical city we know today and that we would like you to explore with us during this private tour of 6-7 hours.

You’ll be taken on a fully customizable tour of two parts. One part consists of an excursion to the breathtaking Atlantic coast of Tangier which itinerary includes the lighthouse of Cap Spartel, a camel ride (or just photos), Hercules cave, and Parc Perdicaris.

Tangier, Asilah, & Tetouan - Tangier and Chefchaouen Private tours in 2 days - camel ride with friends

The other part of the tour is spent entirely within the historical walls of the Medina, the old town of Tangier. The enjoyment begins when you stroll down the labyrinth of the Medina with your professional local guide and get close to the friendly locals and their lifestyles, culinary, costumes, rituals, and traditions. Furthermore, you'll be heartily guided through the historical heritage and the architecture of this one-of-a-kind city. The Medina circuit comprises the Kasbah (fortress), the old Sultan’s Palace, Bab Bhar terrace, Petit Socco, Grand Socco, Great Mosque, the American Legation, and also places like communal ovens, craftsmen, the vegetables market, the cheeses market, and the spices market.

Tangier and Chefchaouen Private tours in 2 days - Bab Assa - Tangier, Asilah, & Tétouan Tours

Upon request, we can add to the itinerary Moïse Nahon synagogue, any Jewish cemetery in Tangier, St. Andrew's Anglican Church, as well as any art gallery you would like to visit.

Tangier and Chefchaouen Private tours in 2 days - Moroccan lunch - Tangier, Asilah, & Tétouan Private Tours

While on tour, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to have a delightful Moroccan lunch. Based on your preferences, the most authentic Tanjawi restaurants will be recommended to you. In addition, if you choose to take the coastal excursion first in the morning, you may have your breakfast in Cap Spartel while appreciating the view.

The drop off after this tour will be at your accommodation in Tangier.

On the second day, you'll have a tour of Asilah in the morning and a tour of Tetouan in the afternoon. The drop-off will be in Tangier.

Tour of Asilah

Asilah’s history dates back to 1500 B.C. with the Phoenicians as a trade base. A major turnout in the city’s history was when it was conquered by the Portuguese and turned to a fortified town during the 15th century. It was that two hundred years of Portuguese rule that formed Asilah to the shape it is today. Their legacy is particularly visible in the Medina’s fully intact ramparts, towers, gates, and houses. The Spanish also ruled Asilah during intermittent periods of time, and while the town has developed a uniquely Moroccan feel since the independence, it hasn’t yet entirely shaken its mainly Portuguese flavor with this slight Spanish touch.

Tangier, Asilah, & Tétouan Private Tours

The Medina of Asilah opened its arms to the world after a major restoration undertaken during the late 70’s. It is also introduced to the international art community through the Asilah’s Art Festival held annually (July/August) since 1978. And although Asilah is an Atlantic coastal city, its feel is Mediterranean for sure, known for its blue doors and windows, and also whitewashed walls. During the festival days, the walls are used, as canvases for the imagination of the most creative international artists. Consequently, Asilah is now best known as an open gallery for different kinds of street arts. If we add Asilah’s charm, romance, tranquility, and inner peace, that ensures a steady stream of photo-hungry travelers all year long.

Tangier, Asilah, & Tétouan Private Tours

Asilah offers a cocktail of restaurants where you can have your lunch after or during the tour. Contemporary or traditional, Moroccan or occidental cuisines, our agent will be happy to help you find the best for you.

After a drive of 1h30min, you'll start your tour of La Paloma Blanca.

Tour of Tétouan

The first settlements in Tétouan’s area date back to the 3rd century BC. Tamuda, nearby Tétouan, has long been a trade center for Phoenicians and then Romans. As for the Medina of Tétouan (old town), it was first built to be a Kasbah (fortress) by the Marinids late 13th century. It served as a base for their raids on Ceuta; this led to the destruction of the castle by the Castilians early 15th century. The Marinids named the place Afrag, but a former small fortification in place had been called Tittawin.

Tangier, Asilah, Tétouan Private Tours

Not long after its destruction, Andalusian fleeing from the Spanish Reconquista, Muslims and Jews, rebuilt Tétouan from its ruins. The city went through a steady period of growth in various fields and became a center for the reception of Andalusian civilization. The still-operating innovative Skoundo water distribution system had a clear impact on various socio-economic levels of the city and certainly played a major role in its prosperity. Granadian refugees never forgot Granada. They always linked Tétouan to Granada and labeled it as Granada's daughter; some families still keep keys belonging to their old homes in their city of origin.

Tangier, Asilah, Tétouan Private Tours

The Medina is heavily influenced by Andalusian architecture. Tétouan’s amazing tilework is unique in its kind and was a reason among many others that the old town is a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1997. Tétouan is also famed for its fine craftsmanship and musical delicacy and has been part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the area of Crafts and Folk Art since 2017.

Tétouan’s cultural heritage is the product of the interaction between different cultural influences throughout the centuries. It is mainly characterized by its Andalusian style and way of living, but Amazigh, Algerian, Jewish, and colonial Spanish influences are present too.

Tangier, Asilah, Tétouan Private Tours

Tétouan is 1h30min drive from Asilah. Once there in la Paloma Blanca, as it’s nicknamed, you’ll start your tour with your assigned local guide from place Moulay El Mehdi or Plaza Primo as the locals still call it. In fact, the place was formerly known as Plaza Primo de Rivera and it was the heart of Tétouan’s extension outside the walls of the Medina during the colonial era.

Tangier, Asilah, Tétouan Private Tours

After sightseeing the nearby cathedral, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, you’ll continue your way through the cobbled Mohamed V Avenue, passing by the Spanish consulate and the Edifício Fénix, until you reach place Feddan where the royal palace is located. You’ll then enter the Medina through the Bab Rouah gate. Within Tetouan’s Medina unique network of shaded alleyways, you will go through the Mellah (the Jewish quarter) which once was called Little Jerusalem, then the old fish market, the Kasbah, Tarrafin alley, Bab Okla gate, multiple Souks and squares, the Great Mosque, and many other key monuments of the city.

Tangier, Asilah, Tétouan Private Tours

Upon request and within opening hours of the places, the tour could include visits to places like Issac Ben Walid Synagogue, Centro de Arte Moderno de Tetuan, Dár Tetuán 1880, Dar El Oddi, Dar Senaa, the ethnographic museum, the Archaeological Museum, and Tétouan’s tanneries.

After a 1-hour drive from Tétouan, the final drop-off will be in Tangier.


(6 Reviews)
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Bravo! from TripAdvisor

Chris Nunez

Nov, 28, 2019

Our main goal was to visit Chefchaouen, which we did the day before coming from Spain. On our way back to the port, the driver suggested we consider visiting Tangier and ... more

Our main goal was to visit Chefchaouen, which we did the day before coming from Spain. On our way back to the port, the driver suggested we consider visiting Tangier and other cities in the area and gave us the link to this trip on their website. We right away decided to book the trip with them and it turned out it was an excellent decision. I strongly recommend this trip to everyone. Don’t visit only Chefchaouen and go; the region has a lot of hidden gems.


Lynn Bakker

Aug, 13, 2019

We hebben genoten van onze reis vanaf het moment dat we werden opgehaald tot het einde. Het was een heel ontspannen en toch overweldigende ervaring. Direct na het ophalen ... more

We hebben genoten van onze reis vanaf het moment dat we werden opgehaald tot het einde. Het was een heel ontspannen en toch overweldigende ervaring. Direct na het ophalen gingen we ontbijten bij een vuurtoren; de plaats is het ontmoetingspunt van de Middellandse Zee en de Atlantische Oceaan. Daarna gingen we voor een mooie rit op een kameel, daarna de grot van Hercules die erg vermakelijk was. Het andere deel van de tour was binnen de muren van het oude deel van de stad. We liepen met de lokale bevolking door de kleine straatjes, we bezochten de drukke markten, en we bezochten ook het Amerikaanse museum en het paleis van de sultan en vele andere plaatsen. De volgende dag bezochten we 's ochtends deze mooie kuststad genaamd Asila; we hebben daar tonnen foto's gemaakt in de lege kleurrijke straten. In de namiddag gingen we op bezoek bij Tetouan, wat een goede verrassing voor ons was, aangezien we er niets van weten totdat we het bezochten. Uiteindelijk zijn we precies op tijd in de haven afgezet voor onze ferry naar Spanje.


Kecia JJ

Mar, 23, 2019

That was AWESOME!!! THANKS!!

That was AWESOME!!! THANKS!!



Jan, 18, 2019

This wasn’t our first time in Morocco, but this was definitely the best, and that because of latif. I recommend this tour company to everybody; they are really good and ... more

This wasn’t our first time in Morocco, but this was definitely the best, and that because of latif. I recommend this tour company to everybody; they are really good and know what they do.


Vanessa Vogel

Jan, 13, 2019

J'ai vraiment apprécié ces deux jours. Les guides qui ont été attribués à notre groupe privé étaient tout simplement incroyables. Nous étions d'accord ... more

J'ai vraiment apprécié ces deux jours. Les guides qui ont été attribués à notre groupe privé étaient tout simplement incroyables. Nous étions d'accord avec le français uniquement mais le guide à Tanger parlait très bien l'allemand, ce qui était parfait pour notre groupe mixte. Pendant les deux jours, nous avons vu de beaux paysages, visité des lieux historiques et emblématiques, savouré de délicieux plats marocains et beaucoup appris sur la culture intéressante de ce pays.

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